White and bright skin With natural skin scrubbing recipes near you

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Everyone wants to have white skin. Because radiance has an aura that makes the skin look healthy. But applying nourishing cream alone It may not be enough to make your skin whiter. Simple trick To create white skin is Skin scrubbing itself Because scrubbing will shed old skin cells. Removes dirt that accumulates under the skin. Makes the new skin fully nourished. There is no need to go out and buy expensive scrubs and waste a lot of money. Because the best scrubs are natural items that can be found around us. Let’s see what they have.

White and bright skin With natural skin scrubbing recipes near you

1. Baking powder exfoliates skin cells.

Baking powder or baking soda It is an ingredient used in making desserts. Which can be applied in beauty matters as the texture of baking soda is quite fine. When scrubbing, it doesn’t hurt the skin. If you want maximum results, mix it with milk or yogurt. Then apply it to the skin in circular motion. Scrub continuously for about 15 to 20 minutes, 1 to 2 times a week, it will help make the skin brighter.

2. Tamarind wet recipe Economical soft white

Tamarind has many properties. Today’s skin care products often contain tamarind as an ingredient. But the formula for polishing at home Tamarind can be mixed with milk and honey. To increase the efficiency of exfoliating skin cells Bring all the ingredients together. Then massage and scrub the skin for about 30 minutes, then rinse off. The skin will gradually become whiter and clearer.

3. Coconut oil The most wonderful properties

Coconut oil is very popular these days. There are many benefits of coconut oil. It helps in keeping beauty under control. Mix coconut oil with a little salt. You must choose salt that has small, fine grains so that it does not cut the skin. Then use it to scrub the skin. With the properties of coconut oil, it helps make the skin soft and smooth. Moisturize and succulent

4. Tomatoes for clear skin

Tomatoes are a popular fruit used for beauty. Because it has properties in nourishing the skin. Both create whiteness and softness. Just take the tomatoes and turn them into glasses. Then coated in fine flakes of sugar. Then scrub the ยูฟ่าเบท skin in circles until the sugar dissolves. So gradually change the new piece. Scrub all over your body, leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse it off. Tomatoes contain AHA and Vitamin C, which are substances involved in exfoliating skin cells. When scrubbed regularly, it will make your skin whiter. A wink of a healthy girl’s aura which is an item that is easy to find Save money in your pocket. Beautiful, worth more than the price